1 Scope This specification covers 1000V copper conductor cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated polyvinyI chloride (PVC) sheathed flame retardant super soft power cable The cable shall be in accordance with IEC
60502-1 : 2004 and Amend
1 : 200 9 The finished cables shall meet the vertical tray flame test requirements per IEC 60332-3-24; Category C 2 Conductor The conductor shall be compacted concentric stranded uncoated annealed copper conductor in accordance with IEC
60228 : 2004, Class 2 The direction of lay shall be left-hand (S) lay in the outermost layer 3 Insulation The insulation shall be cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) compound meet the requirements of IEC
60502-1 : 200 4 The average thickness of the insulation shall be not less than that given in Table 2 The minimum thickness shall not fall below the value in Table 2 by more than 10 % plus 0.1 mn 4 Cabling (For multi-cores only) The individual insulated cores shall be cabled together with suitable filler to give the completed cable a substantially circular cross section The direction of lay shall be left-hand (S) lay A suitable binder tape shall be applied helically over the cabled core 5 Core Identification The cores shall be identified by color, as
follows :
Single-core : white
2-cores : bluc,
brown : brown, black, grey
4-cores : blue, brown, black, grey (White color is natural color of XLPE insulation) 3-cores Thai Yazaki(ไทย ยาซากิ)